Linked In Account? Twitter? Are you listed in the 50+ free online directories? What do your listings look like? How many positive comments do you have? How many Likes? How many positive feedbacks and positive comments? This is part of you online presence.
My Web Presence?
What does your Web Presence look like? It is not necessarily enough to have a great website. It is your entire web presence that people will notice right away. Do you have a Google Places account? Are you listed in the Yahoo Business Directory? Do you have a Facebook page? What can people find out about you and your business … Read More
Target Marketing?
Does your site Attract the right people? Now it is about letting searchers Self-Select . It is important for people looking for the product or services you offer to 1) find your site, and 2) determine if you are the best organization to call, and 3) Reach out to you.
What Does Conversion Mean To Me?
Conversion – How well does your site convert? If 100 people visit your site, how many of them pick up the phone and call you? Calls To Action on each web page make it obvious to visitors what they should do on that page. If they can call, fill out a form, or request a quote it should be clearly … Read More
Yellow Pages Marketing Plan You Say?
There are not many people using the yellow pages any longer. When was the last time you looked for a company in the phone book? If someone is looking for your product or service will people find your company site and then call you?